Tami Boehmer


Against all odds, Tami Boehmer is still here.

After celebrating her fifth year of living cancer-free, the wife, mother and breast cancer survivor discovered that she had a recurrence that had metastasized. Her cancer had spread to her lymph nodes, chest and liver.

She says she quickly realized that statistics aren’t good for someone like her. So she turned to the Internet to discover some examples of people like her. What she found changed her life forever.

She compiled these stories in her new book, “From Incurable to Incredible: Cancer Survivors Who Beat the Odds” and she writes about these extraordinary people on her blog.

Tami, a former public relations executive in the health-care field, says the role of social media is huge for people like her. She explains why so many cancer patients turn to the Internet for answers rather than their doctors.

Plus, Tami reveals which book helped her more than anything else during the early days of her cancer battle.