Rain Pryor

Rain Pryor may have inherited her famous father’s sense of humor, but she adds her own sense of sass and style to her performances and books.

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Susan Silver

Susan Silver talks to Growing Bolder about her love life, the shocking lack of women her age on TV and in the movies and the presidential candidate she calls “the most gorgeous man she has ever seen” (and no, it’s not Obama).

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Ronni Bennett

After producing shows for Barbara Walters, John Tesh, Whoopi Goldberg and Matt Lauer, Ronni Bennett is now an investigator, reporter and researcher on all things related to aging.

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Sara Davidson

Renowned journalist Sara Davidson says her life began to unravel when she faced what she calls “The Narrows,” a transition we all go through when we reach a certain age.

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Mary-Lou Weisman

Your mother kept a baby book documenting your first steps, first haircut and first words, so why can’t you keep one to commemorate your first colonoscopy?

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