The Power of a Simple Idea

Everyone is quick to throw the word “hero” around, but when you meet someone like Laura Pita, you remember what the word is all about. Find out how the double whammy of her mother’s and son’s cancer diagnoses inspired her to make a difference.

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Joe R. Lee and the Gospel of Good

With the daily news filled with stories of unethical businessmen and out-of-control corporate greed, we’re happy to shine the light on a Fortune 500 company and a retired CEO who are proving that giving back is the best way to move forward.

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Carolyn Blashek

She tried to enlist after the military after 9/11, but recruiters told the 46-year-old she was too old. So she just found a new way to make a difference, launching the largest military support organization in history.

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Bob Votruba

He ditched all of his belongings and hit the road to perform 1 million acts of kindness. He’s on a mission to get you to pay it forward, too.

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Alison Arngrim

She may have played a nasty, selfish child on “Little House on the Prairie,” but in real life, Alison Arngrim is anything but. Find out how she’s changing the lives of children across the country.

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