Elsa Hoffman

At 104 years old, Elsa Hoffman was living proof that attitude is one of the greatest predictors of longevity. She shared what she thought were the most important keys to longevity and her tips for living a long, vibrant life.

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Mark Wexler

Mark Wexler

Now more than ever, it seems living to 100 and beyond isn’t something for just the lucky few. In fact, there are things you could do today to not only live that long but to be healthy that long. A filmmaker investigates the secrets of centenarians.

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Ephraim Engleman

For 63 years, Dr. Ephraim Engleman has held the same job. Now 100, he still sees patients three days a week and has no plans on cutting back. He shares his unorthodox secrets of longevity.

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Laura Simon

Five years ago, at the age of 100, Laura Simon became a first-time author when she penned her autobiography “I Am Still Here.” Now 105, she’s on a mission to rally the elderly in this country to stay active and engaged.

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Susan Polis Schutz

Susan Polis Schutz is a best-selling author, poet, activist and the founder of the hugely successful greeting card company Blue Mountain cards. And with her new film “Over 90 and Loving It,” she’s helping to change the way the world sees aging.

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Bill Tapia

Up until his death at 103 years old, legendary ukulele player Bill Tapia, aka the Duke of Uke, was the oldest working musician. Just months before his death, he revealed stories from some of his more famous friends.

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Dr. Leslie Martin

What if everything we thought we knew about aging is wrong? Dr. Leslie Martin is using an eight-decades long study to debunk a lot of the commonly held beliefs about the secrets of a long and healthy life. Her results are fascinating.

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Virgil Coffman

Think muscle cars are just for meatheads or teenagers? Wait until you meet Virgil Coffman. He’s 102 years old and the proud owner of a special Transformers-edition new Chevy Camaro.

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Elsa Hoffman

What does it take to not only live to 100 but to still be vibrant? Elsa Hoffman is a shining example of how aging can be. As she prepares to celebrate her 103rd birthday, Elsa says she doesn’t fight her age, she embraces it.

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