Molly Middleton Meyer

Molly Middleton Meyer – A Voice for Alzheimer’s Patients

After watching both of her parents die from Alzheimer’s disease, Molly Middleton Meyer knew there had to be a better way to care for people suffering from this horrible disease. She just never imagined that her passion for poetry and creative writing could be the key to opening up the doors of communication with those who’ve lost their voice.

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Betsy McKeeby

More than 15,000 registered nurses across the country have joined the Faith Community Nursing movement because they saw their patients had much greater needs than their illnesses or conditions. Nurse Betsy McKeeby explains.

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Dan Cohen

What happens when you give a person with dementia an iPod loaded with the songs of their youth? They come alive inside. Find out about a remarkable new project that is changing the lives of patients and caregivers and how you can help.

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Dr. Ira Byock

One of the nation’s foremost experts on palliative care says end-of-life care is one of the biggest national crises we’re facing today. Find out why he thinks our system is broken and how he would change the way we deal with our final life stage.

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