Tammy Weiler

She saw that a lot of people her age were single, dating and being completely ignored. Find out how you can travel with other Boomers looking for love and fun at an affordable price!

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Bob Morris

Most personal ads don’t lead you to an 80-year-old widow and father. But then again, most 80-year-old fathers aren’t enlisting the help of their sons in their dating exploits. Author Bob Morris’ dad did, and it took him on a pretty wild ride!

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Oz Garcia

There may not be a fountain of youth you can drink from, but nutritionist for the stars Oz Garcia has written several books that will help you read your way to looking younger!

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Mary Furlong

A true visionary, Mary Furlong was one of the first to recognize the power of the 50+ market, and these days she’s helping small start-ups and major corporations profit from it.

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Susan Silver

GB regular Susan Silver turns her sharp wit on a reality show that pits older women versus younger women and the media’s focus on “hot” older women in TV shows.

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Mary-Lou Weisman

Your mother kept a baby book documenting your first steps, first haircut and first words, so why can’t you keep one to commemorate your first colonoscopy?

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