Roz Savage


When Roz Savage was in her mid-30s, she slammed the brakes on her life to take a look at the big picture. She sat down and wrote her own obituary. She read it over and over. Then she wrote what she wished her obituary would be.

She decided to make drastic changes in her life to be the person she wished she was.

“I had to do a major overhaul to my entire value system. I quickly realized life is not about what I owned, but what was between my ears. I began making gradual changes, but I kept an eye out for something I could do that would be jaw-dropping. I found it in rowing across the Atlantic.”

She didn’t stop there. She’s currently trying to become the first woman to row solo across the Pacific. Now in her 40s, she hopes to be an example of what an ordinary person is capable of if they put their heart, mind and soul into it.

Click here to follow Roz’s adventures!