Jack Levine


For 25 years, Jack Levine served as the president of Voices for Florida’s Children, one of the top child advocates in the world. 

His latest project is as the founder of the 4 Generations Institute, an organization dedicated to creating opportunities that bridge the generations for mutual benefit.

“In the old days, the ’50s, there was more of a connection between the generations, more mutual needs. We can’t go back to that, but we can learn to be connected everywhere from the kitchen table in our private lives to the conference table in our work lives.”

He says in the ’50s there were three generations — kids, parents and grandparents. He says these days, we effectively have four, hence the name of his organization. He believes the most difficult gap to bridge is between the 20-30 somethings and the 50-plusers.

His organization is dedicated to creating opportunities that in effect bridge the generations and benefit both.