The New 65

The New 65 is a stereotype-smashing exhibit featuring portraits of men and women aged 65 and older taken by renowned portrait photographer Mike Dunn.

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active longevity

The Quest for Active Longevity

Science might be the key to increasing our lifespan, but positive lifestyle modification is the key to increasing our healthspan. Positive lifestyle modification is the key to reducing our reliance on the U.S. “sickcare system.”

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The 10 Keys to Active Longevity

Almost any area in country has the potential to be a great place to live but very few offer what it takes to thrive as we grow older. At Growing Bolder we’ve looked closely at the best residential communities in the country in search of those that not only offer a great home to live in but incorporate the features important to active, engaged and healthy aging.

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Dr. Kenneth Cooper

Kenneth Cooper, M.D., is a pioneer of preventive medicine and the man who coined the term “aerobics” in his landmark book of the same name. Now 86, he’s still practicing what he preaches with daily workouts and a commitment to healthy living.

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