Rebecca Gladding


Your brain is what helps you change your mind, but did you know your mind can actually change your brain. Confused yet?

That’s where Rebecca Gladding, M.D. comes in. She’s a UCLA psychiatrist and researcher who has been featured on the Today show, NPR, Cosmopolitan magazine, Forbes and the New York Times. She’s also featured on the A&E show “Obsessed.”

She’s co-written a book with her colleague Jeff Schwartz, M.D., called “You Are Not Your Brain: The 4-Step Solution for Changing Bad Habits, Ending Unhealthy Thinking, and Taking Control of Your Life” to help you understand that we’re more than the collection of thoughts and impulses bubbling up in our brains. 

Remember the last time you were nervous about something? What did you do? if you tried to ignore, Dr. Gladding says you made a big mistake.

She explains how our brains act in a survival of the fittest way by helping us to feel whatever makes us feel better right now. But the mind is what helps you truly decide what’s in your best interests.

Dr. Gladding says it’s important that we recognize that we are all susceptible to deceptive brain messages and how our pasts impact those thoughts. 

Find out how to dismiss those negative scripts and stop acting in ways that aren’t beneficial to us. She says it’s never too late to change your brain.