Jeff Yeager


Can saving money make you healthier and happier?

Jeff Yeager, who is known as the Ultimate Cheapskate, says we can cut our grocery bills in half and help our children go to college, without borrowing a dollar.

He shares the money secrets of some of the country’s smartest consumers in his new book, “The Cheapskate Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of People Living Below Their Means.”

Jeff says he’s trying to turn the term cheapskate around. He says he sees it as the polar opposite of a conspicuous consumer. He says cheapskates are too self confident and too smart to buy things they don’t need.

Jeff says through his research he’s uncovered 16 key attitude about money and life, and he says one of the main points he’s discovered is that cheapskates tend to have a high degree of self esteem. He says they’re just not concerned at all about what the Jones think.

He said smart financial sense also seems to be tied to a greater cause, such as religion or environmentalism.

Find out what steps you can start taking today to turn your family’s financial situation around.

Click on the Related Media tab above to listen to our previous interview with Jeff. And click here to visit Jeff’s website and find out more about his books and tips for being a cheapskate.