Dr. Kenneth and Dr. Tyler Cooper


The father-son team of Dr. Kenneth Cooper and Dr. Tyler Cooper have made a name for themselves as the leaders of preventative medicine and have just released their new book, “Start Strong, Finish Strong.”

Kenneth started the fitness revolution with a term that’s well-known now: Aerobics. Teamed up with his son, their new book describes strategies for lifelong fitness and health.

The father and son team were able to bring two different perspectives to the book, but both agree the hardest part of any fitness program is getting started.

The Coopers discuss how to keep pushing when the going gets tough. At 77, Kenneth knows first-hand how to keep pushing. He runs 10 health companies and the Cooper Institute.

They both talk to Growing Bolder about what it was like to write a book together and improving the quality of life to increase the length of life.