Betty Rose


Proof that it’s never too late, Betty Rose decided to take a class in tai chi when she was 78 years old. Now, a decade later, not only is she still taking the class, she’s also teaching it!

She’s a walking testament for what that exercise program can do for someone. Soon to turn 90, she’s often mistaken for someone 30 years younger. She also happens to be the oldest certified tai chi instructor in the world!

You can hear the energy, serenity and passion in every word she speaks. She believes in the “pay it forward” principal and feels a great deal of debt to the sifu who taught her the ancient art.

Now, her life is dedicated to passing the same passion to as many people as possible. She says it has given her a new outlook on life. Despite advancing age, she’s learned greater control of her body with grace and balance.

She says it’s helped her manage her diabetes and arthritis without medication. She’s an example of a better physical life for anyone who hears her message.